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SAPnews 1 -2019

  • date
  • February 11, 2019

The thermometer shows – 21 Co, a black velvet sky sprinkled with bright quivering stars is the backdrop in our snow covered village Siljan Airpark. Not a sound can be heard, the cliché of “so silent that it hurts yours ears” seems for once to be exact the sentence in place. There is nothing as silent as snow gently dropping through the air softening your steps and gently silencing loud voices. The essence of poem written in 1986 by Helge Rode, a Danish poet. Time for non-flying doings, hangar activities like building, nursing and caring for aircrafts. Days of skiing ahead, skiing through the woods, on the frozen lake, or just round the runway if the weather is not for longer picnics. Thanks to the scooter trail markings there will probably soon be a track to follow for a skier. Preparing for the Wasa run?? An excursion right around the corner reveals an exhibition of short-lived Siljan Airpark-art works shown below…read more

SAPnews 1 – 2019


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