
Plots for sale at the most popular AirPark in Europe
A few plots are for sale at Siljan AirPark by the owners. Plots are between 800 and 1500 square meters. Large plots offer space for both cottage/house and hangar. Plots include water and sewerage connected to the municipality system and are ready to build.

Contact Anna Eronn Tel: +46 709 618 665 about the general house or plot inquiries at Siljan AirPark, email:

Plots/houses for sale or rent in Siljan AirPark

Plot Contact e-mail Telephone Notes
Y9 Marke Sotavalta +358 40 5541009 For sale
X15 Ali Orsan
+46 70 7330836
For sale

Updated 2024-05-29 by Anna Eronn

Detailplan (detaljplan) limitations: Arrangement and design Buildings shall have wall outer surface of wood. Roofing material shall be of a reddish color. Buildings shall be placed a minimum of 4 meters from the edge of the property. Garage doors shall be placed a minimum of 6 meters from the edge of the property. Hangar doors shall be placed so the whole aircraft can be parked outdoors on the property. The maximum total height for property 35 – 40 (Y 1-11) is 5,5 meters, the maximum total height for property 1 – 34 (all other plots) is 7 meters.

Total building area on property: 20 % of the total real estate area.

Disturbance avoidance: Air traffic is not allowed night time (22.00 – 06.00) Administrative regulations: The AirPark project must be executed within 10 years from the legal approval date. A building permit is not needed for a parking place. A building permit is not needed for the roof over the outdoor place not exceeding 25 m2. A building permit is needed for lightning mast, flag pole or anything higher than the maximum allowed height.

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