admin, Author at Siljan Airpark's Posts

Workday on SiljanAirpark 29-30 October

  • date
  • August 30, 2016

PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEKEND Saturday 29th of October 9:00 to 15:00 Work day. Briefing outside Fredrik E before it starts. 16:00 to 19:00 Workshop/meeting. Snacks are served. @ Dannes hangar. 19:00 to … Bring-your-own-dinner @ Dannes hangar. Sunday 30th of October 09:00 to 12:00 Work day – half. Briefing at Fredrik E before it starts. Register to latest Oct 15 PRELIMINÄRT SCHEMA FÖR HELGEN Lördagen den 29e oktober 9:00 till 15:00 Arbetsdag. Uppsamling utanför Fredrik E. 16:00 till 19:00 Workshop/möte. Fika och snacks serveras. Plats: Dannes...

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SAP News – 2015 – Nr. 2

  • date
  • February 27, 2015

  Behind the horizon, out in the wilderness, well maybe not that dramatic an approach but tracks leading away always stirs the imagination and fantasy, and you find yourself dreaming about remote places and adventures. A feeling known by every pilot. Up, up and away. But for some weeks still it has to stay in the imagination as the runway is covered in snow and ice. But this is one of the wonderful properties by our airpark: even though you are not flying there are thousands of activities to enter into. One of them is skiing. Perfect surroundings for skiing cross country as well as downhill....

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SAP News – 2015 – Nr. 1

  • date
  • February 16, 2015

  “Wisdom is knowing how to live your life”. This was said on the last day of 2014 by a Danish entertainer, Niels Hausgård, known for his humor and philosophical attitude. Looking around in Siljan AirPark you get the feeling that you are surrounded by people, who discovered the truth of these words long ago. “Pursuing your dreams” is another aspect of these words, and the history of Siljan AirPark although so far short tells a story of people who wanted to do something – and did it! A new year with all its challenges is in front of us and our new board is ready to meet them...

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