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SAP news 9 – 2015

  • date
  • November 19, 2015

150403 Bild nr 11 taxiway XredWinter. Time and season for contemplation. Time to ponder the season gone, what were the high lights and deserve to be emphasized and strengthened to keep our airpark developing in the good and prosperous direction we started out with: a place where pilots and aviation enthusiasts and there families thrive and grow in respectful co-existence with each other and the environment. But even to consider and discuss what we want to avoid in times to come. This takes guts – to point out what we like and what we do not accept. But it is necessary to do it if our airpark is still to prosper.

Autumn Labor day

Winter even means hibernation to some species. But not those in and around Siljan AirPark. Autumn Labor Day ! What a great group of hard working airparkers who for the humble reduction of next year’s memberfee among other things prepared the areas alonBillede1g the taxiways in order to make it easy for the tractor with the big mower to cut the edges. Part of the reward was also a delicious pizza dinner washed down with good brew. The two pictures illustrate one example of theirBillede2 work, before (left) and after (right). Thank you, hard workers from all of us who couldn’t make it for Labor Day this fall. We appreciate your work and hope to be able to pay back at some occasion in the future. Hopefully the pizzas were good and tasty as usual. PICT0006


From the board

On October 25th our board had a regular board meeting with as usual a massive agenda. Although our airpark is on its 10th year we are stille112-a054-4b08-81a0-17c8ec839af4 not at the end of the journey, and we probably never will be. There will always be room for improvement, changes, new ideas to be tested etc. Therefore we need a diligent and passionate board to drive this project forward so we don’t stagnate. As long as you are building everyone understands that this hard and seemingly never-ending process consumes all your resources and yet we have seen some of the most enthusiastic projects in the middle of building. We were in the pioneer phase, however, and now we have entered a more stabilizing phase. But this phase also calls for “fiery souls” to lead the way and head the herd.

One medium to use for knitting the airpark together is the home page. It is true that our new website is based on the old edition, and it is also true that we need renewal every once in a while. An effort has been made to update the slide shows and the gallery but we also need interested people who would engage themselves in improving our “face towards the world”. It could be text as well as pictures. Actually we need to have a webmaster. As it is now Florin C is doing a good job but his available time doesn’t meet the need so he needs someone who will give some time and ideas to help the website stay alive. Your editor is trying to supply with some news and events but also suffer from a lack of inspiration and needs to “be fed”.

Our maintenance program is till a success. The money spent on reducing member fees for work reaches in no way the expense it would have been to engage labour from “outside”.

This October day the board was discussing once again the illumination project. Long time ago it was announced that if you put up the P1010013lamppost agreed upon by the entire community and donate the electricity almost not existing with the LED bulbs all your expenses of the fitting process will be supplied by SAPS naturally including the lamppost. Yet very few people have put up a lamppost. Why? Now is the season until the snow comes where a little extra light will be needed and appreciated. The offer is still valid. Just contact Christer Wretlind who by the way offered to investigate the possibility and the cost of engaging a firm for mounting and connecting the lamppost.


Runway lights are on the agenda again. More pilots in the airpark are IFR-rated and the need for being able to land after dark in the winter season is becoming a more frequent issue. You always have the environment in your thoughts, and night-time flying is not wanted generally. But it could be an asset if landing after dark was an option on our landing field. A no take-off restriction between 11:00pm and 06:00am would solve that problem. They did it in Brookeridge Airpark, and no doubt in a lot of other places, and we can do that as well. About the lights there are several remaining questions to be answered and discussed, and naturally the final decision will be made at the general meeting as it would be a larger economic investment.

Read the complete minutes on Member Forum.

Local details

tjugoThis is so neat – but it takes a Swedish speaking mailman to find the P1010925right house….so far not a problem as we don’t have mailboxes in general in the airpark. Too bad, thinking about the picturesque mailboxes made by Mona in Olsnäs. Would love to have one on my wall, but it would overflow very soon. You realize that Mona is retiring at New Years.

No battery hens in Siljan AirPark !!! Organic and animal welfare!! Add a chick and eggs will be for sale on Rollvägen 🙂

Birgitta ros komp Anneli ros komp Who said that roses won’t growEa ros komp in Siljan AirPark Birgitta ros spalier komp? that it is too far north? Not true! Anneli’s roses grow like h… much to her own surprise, she confessed.

And Birgitta is also doing a nice job in disproving this statement as well as Eva.

It is a matter of growth zones, I have learned. Choose the right rose for this growth zone and you will succeed.

All set – come on snow –

Knut has put up the signs for the scooter trail…great (can’t find the pictures 🙁 ). Comforting to be prepared. The snow has begun falling way up north and in the mountains. Meteorological crystal balls are being polished frenetically in order to make a reliable Christmas prognosis. Every one wants snow for Christmas. We are all dreaming of a White Christmas, I guess…but global warming, climatP2170008e changes…Danish weathermen are putting it this way: “Overall ends the average temperature in the winter of 2015-2016 probably 1 to 2 degrees above normal for the three months and precipitation will mainly fall as rain in quantities somewhat or a bit above the normal.” Hmmm, looks like no skiing south of Gothenburg this winter…the Swedish weather experts haven’t revealed anything about what their fortune tellers are saying

 Can’t wait….

Suggestions for your Christmas present list

Head set

Fuel stop


Season for dreaming as well


Printed with permission from Gary Clark, see more on



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